
Fluorescence Image Visualization and Analysis Software Created by Peter K. Stys © 2002-2021
All rights reserved.

ImageTrak is an image analysis program designed for converting, viewing, and quantitatively analyzing multidimensional scientific image data. Either single images, 3D image stacks or higher-dimensional data (3D vs. time, volumetric spectral datasets) are supported. Although ImageTrak was specifically designed for fluorescence microscopy, virtually any type of image data can be analyzed.

Features include:

1) sophisticated visualization and quantitative analysis of multidimensional image data, which may originate from microscopy, EM, MRI, scanned Western blots, etc… Ability to handle large (10’s of GB) images.
2) complex image math from user-defined formulas.
3) ability to analyze and perform automated statistics on a large number of ROIs individually
4) XZ/YZ projection views sliced at arbitrary tilt angles.
5) Cross-fade animations for examining co-localization in double or triple stained samples
6) Manual or auto-registration and export as animations of time series images
7) Advanced visualization, processing and analysis of spectral datasets.  Spectral image processing has been greatly expanded in the v4.3 and later releases. This includes Spectral Scatter Analysis, a method to quantitate multidimensional lambda stacks.
8) Imports TIFFs, raw binary, Nikon ics/ids and Zeiss czi files directly, also imports TIFF sets from Nikon Elements, Thor and Leica systems. Big TIFFs (.btf files) from Olympus slide scanners are also supported.

Software is Mac only and will run on macOS High Sierra and Mojave. A full 64 bit port is under development.

ImageTrak is freeware and is supplied “as is”. The author cannot be responsible for any losses or damages arising from the use of this software. You are free to use and redistribute this software and documentation for non-commercial purposes, provided no modifications are made to the code or documentation. You may not charge any fee for the redistribution of the ImageTrak software or its documentation.
Please credit the author (Peter K. Stys) and cite the ImageTrak homepage ( in all publications where you made use of this software.


Download the full ImageTrak application (updated 2023-04-06)

To install, download the dmg and double-click the pkg installer. All related files reside within the ImageTrak package. No other files are installed except an ImageTrak Preferences file is created at first launch. If your OS X security settings prevent you from installing, R-click on the pkg icon and select Open With > Installer, then choose to proceed with the installation. The User’s Manual and various HTML help pages are integrated into the application. This is still rudimentary.

The User’s Manual and various HTML help pages are integrated into the application.  This is still rudimentary.

Here are some sample images so you can try out the software if you don’t have any images of your own handy.

Page last updated 2023-04-06.